V O U C H E R S   A W A R D E D


CIT starts the year with a new Voucher Dr. Nisreen El Hassan has been working within the University of Balamand on scaling up of new catalysts containing nickel and porous silica for reforming of natural gas and biomass. more

Innovation Vouchers from CIT Dr. Nicolas Louka and Dr. Richard Maroun each received a voucher of 10,000 EURO from the CIT for their innovative projects in the months of September and October. more

Dr. Omar Obeid receives a 10,000 EURO Innovation Voucher Dr. Omar Obeid has been working within the American University of Beirut on his project more

CIT grants an Innovation Voucher to Dr. Joseph Matta Dr. Joseph Matta has been granted a 10,000 EURO voucher on the 30th of July 2013 by the CIT more

CIT issues 2 more Innovation Vouchers 2 more innovation vouchers to the applicants Mr. George Salloum and Mr. Hussein El Ghor more

Two more Innovation Vouchers Issued from the CIT! The CIT issued two Innovation Vouchers, one to the applicant more

More Innovation Vouchers from CIT! The CIT issued 2 more innovation vouchers on Thursday December 20th more

November 13, 2012
EU-CIT 3rd Innovation Voucher in Lebanon Issued! Center for Innovation and Technology (CIT) issued its third Innovation Voucher to the applicant Mr. Ali Kassem on Tuesday, November 13, 2012. more

CIT Issues its Second Innovation Voucher The second Innovation Voucher issued by the Centre for Innovation and Technology was awarded to the applicant Mr. Fadi Lama on Thursday November 1st, 2012 more

First Innovation Voucher Issued! The CIT issued its first Innovation Voucher to the winning applicant Mr. Jihad Nasrallah on Wednesday, October 10, 2012. more


© Copyright 2012 The Centre for Innovation and Technology (CIT) . All rights reserved.

This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union.
The contents of this publication is the sole responsability of CIT / IRI and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.