Fostering Solar Energy in the Mediterranean Sea Basin

Fostering Solar Energy in the Mediterranean Sea Basin: pilot projects implementation will be discussed in Aqaba during the 4th Technical Scientific Committee of EU funded FOSTEr in MED project

EU funded FOSTEr in MED’s 4th Technical and Scientific Committee meeting in Aqaba
Lebanon’s TSC members discussed the pilot project implementation

February 17,18 -Lebanese members of FOSTEr in MED’s Technical and Scientific committee (TSC), Drs. Elias Kinab and Talal Salem met with their counterparts from 6 countries (Italy, Spain, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan), to discuss the implementation of their respective pilot projects related to Building Integrated Photovoltaic.

During the meeting Lebanese TSC members presented the progress they made so far in installing a Building Integrated Photovoltaic facility on the Industrial Research Institute’s building within the premises of the Lebanese University in Hadath.

Discussions revolved around the most innovative solutions when it comes to PV technologies, taking into account market trends and feasibility in the Mediterranean context. During the last day of the meeting, a rRound table was held will be held i inn order to set the Guidelines in solar photovoltaic (PV) technologies and their architectural integration (BIPV) in the Mediterranean basin (Guidelines will soon be available on

Such guidelines are thought to be the starting point to set a training path for designers (engineers, architects), installers (mainly SMEs) and university students.

The Technical Scientific Committee has already selected 5 public buildings which will host the innovative solar photovoltaic plants, testing different technological solutions and architectural integration in the regions involved: Lebanese University Campus - Hadath in Beirut (Lebanon); Balqa collage - in Aqaba (Jordan); The Chamber of Commerce building in Alexandria (Egypt) , the Centre National de Formation de Formateures et d’Ingénierie de Formation (CENAFFIF) in Tunis (Tunisia); Regional Agency for the Hhousing Cconstruction Iindustry (AREA) in Cagliari (Italy).

EU funded FOSTEr in MED project aims to promote the use of solar technologies (PV) and their architectonic integration (BIPV) in six Mediterranean countries. Among its objectives: the implementation of pilot projects in each country; awareness campaigns targeting schools students, citizens and local administrators; setting training paths for designers, installers (SMEs) and university students.

The upcoming workshop which will be held in Cagliari, on April 2015 will further discuss the evolution of such activities. The purpose of the event is to set up, with a participative approach, at least 6 policy proposal papers aimed to foster the solar technologies adoption and to overcome local normative and bureaucratic barriers. The workshop will be based on the results of the context analysis activity coordinated by the University of Cagliari, Department of Social Sciences and Institutions (DiSSI), the final report is available on the project website (

FOSTEr in MED is a project financed for an amount of 4,05 million Euro by European Union through the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme (total amount of 4,5 million Euro).
Project partnership is composed by: University of Cagliari (UNICA), beneficiary; Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Special Agency Industry (ASCAME); Promotional Services Centre for enterprises of the Cagliari Chamber of Commerce (CSPI); Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA); Industrial Research Institute (IRI); Royal Scientific Society (RSS); Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tunis (CCI Tunis); Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS).

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