EU project Foster in Med participates in the conference Energy and Energy efficiency

Dr Elias Kinab , from the Technical and Scientific committee of EU project FOSTEr in MED announced that new Building Integrated Photovoltaic technology will be used for the first time in Lebanon on the Industrial Research Institute building within the premises of the Lebanese University Campus in Hadat.

The announcement was made during the “Energy and Renewable Energy – Opportunities in Lebanon” workshop organized by the Industrial Research Institute in collaboration with the Order of Engineers and Architects and the Lebanese Solar Energy Society.

During his intervention, Dr Kinab explained to an audience of engineers and experts that FOSTEr in MED’s pilot project entails implementing innovative photovoltaic technologies in Lebanon, enabling local engineers and experts to discover the potential of this technique, and acquire the know-how to build it, whether on new building projects or on old traditional monuments, given the high aesthetic value of this solar technology.

Dr Kinab also announced that FOSTEr in MED is the biggest project of its kind in Lebanon, comprising other Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Spain, Jordan, Egypt and Tunis.

Beside the implementation of a Building Integrated Photovoltaic project, FOSTEr in MED’s activities include awareness campaigns for students and citizens, training paths for engineers and experts, and aim to amend legislations that might hinder the use of solar energy in the region.


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