EU project FOSTEr in MED: We will install innovative PV systems on the Lebanese University campus

June 11, 12 – EU funded project FOSTEr in MEDs Technical and Scientific Committee
(TSC) held a two day meeting at the Industrial Research Institute of Beirut for their 3rd coordination meeting.

Experts from the 6 participating countries (Italy, Egypt, Spain, Tunis, Jordan and Lebanon) selected the public building in their respective countries that will soon be equipped with an innovative photovoltaic system called Building-Integrated Photovoltaics best known as BIPV.

For Lebanon, the Committee has chosen the Industrial Research Institutes building in which the meeting was held to host the pilot project of FOSTEr in MED”, announced TSC member Dr Talal Salem.

According to Dr Salem, the building located at the heart of the Lebanese University Campus in Hadath fully answers the requirements of architectural integration of the PV system that the project intends to install.

The aim of implementing this pilot project is to build a common expertise in the field of photovoltaic technologies in the Mediterranean countries, to transfer common technical know-how and to promote the opportunities offered by solar energy, overcoming cultural and legislative barriers that hinder the diffusion of solar technologies”, says Mr Naji Abi Zeid the project manager in Lebanon on behalf of the Industrial Research Institute.

During the meeting, the TSC also approved the guidelines to optimize the efficiency of the soon to be implemented pilot project and to prove the added value of BIPV in terms of innovative design, energy efficiency and costs.

Furthermore, the guidelines gave an overview on the electrical power generation and distribution in the partner regions. The presence of critical aspects was also highlighted together with the possibility to fix them by the implementation of BIPV, as well as the status of diffusion of the technology, the innovation opportunities and marketing penetration.

The implementation of the pilot project is synchronized with a full awareness campaign regarding the best practices of solar energy in the Mediterranean countries.

We hope we will make things change, and we hope that in the upcoming years, we will be able to fully exploit the suns potential in the Mediterranean area.”, concluded Mr Abi Zeid.

FOSTEr in MED is a project financed for an amount of 4,05 million Euro by European union through the ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme (total amount of 4,5 million Euro). It aims to promote the adoption of innovative solar photovoltaic technologies with a strategic approach in six countries of the Mediterranean area: Italy, Spain, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Tunisia. The TSC is the scientific body of the Project, and it is composed by 14 members representative of each partner: University of Cagliari (UNICA); Association of the Mediterranean Chambers of Commerce and Special Agency Industry (ASCAME); Promotional Services Centre for enterprises of the Cagliari Chamber of Commerce (CSPI); Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations (CEEBA); Industrial Research Institute (IRI); Royal Scientific Society (RSS); Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tunis (CCI Tunis); Autonomous Region of Sardinia (RAS).

For more information, please contact:
Press Agent – Raya Boustany
Mobile: 03-491333

Press release 3rd TSC meeting FOSTEr in MED.doc



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