CIT Team at Poznan Science and Technology Park- June 2013
In the framework of planned study visits on the Functioning of Centres for Innovation and Technology and in cooperation with TAIEX, three members of CIT Team visited Poznan Science and Technology Park in Poland during the second week of June 2013.
The aim was to visit Centres for Innovations and Technology in the European Union countries and learn from their experiences on how to develop a sustainable Centre.
Through doing so, CIT was able to learn from the Poznan model and its success stories on how to implement similar programmes on the long run.
The information received during the visit was rich and useful, the proposed Agenda of three days included a meeting with Prof. Bogdan Marciniec, President of the board and PSTP Director who presented the mission, history, organization model and legal context of PSTP, along with Mrs. Elżbieta Książek, Deputy Director who delivered a detailed Presentation of PSTP departments activities and services and introduced PSTP Department managers, Mrs. Elżbieta Książek also explained the importance of the role that PSTP is playing in the regional innovation strategy and the regional and national innovation system.
The team of InQbator at POZNAN Science and Technology Park shared information during discussions and presentations on Academic entrepreneurship activities and incubators models, training and coaching programmes, and how to raise awareness among students and graduates. CIT Team also met with the Waste Cluster team on Linking Innovation to applied research.
Moreover, the Technology Transfer department delivered a detailed presentation and discussion regarding the activities and services offered to innovators and on Poznan model of knowledge and technology transfer.
The visit was followed by a tour around the premises, laboratories and incubators of the technology park.
The study visit was an opportunity for both parties to share their experience in innovation and technology transfer services, whereby departments’ managers where present for Q and A sessions highlighting their past experience, and exploring their forecasted activities.
The visit of the premises and laboratories and incubators was comprehensive and informative.